Monday, November 5, 2007


The MPRE is over, and I'm one step closer to becoming a lawyer! The test was tough--I'm not really sure how I did. Scores come out sometime in early December, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

CLA Music Business Seminar

The California Lawyers for the Arts Music Business Seminar was this weekend. Thanks to both the preparations and actual event, I clocked 38 hours at my internship for the week! Whew, nothing like having a fulltime job while still in school. Anyway, these were the cutest pictures I took at the event:

This was the funniest dog ever. He wasn't interested in being petted, just in being left alone to dig his hole in solitude.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My SF Cousin

This is my adorable cousin, Jaelynn, showing off her purple bowl. I love having family nearby!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Funny SF Ad

I chuckled when I saw this in traffic, and had to grab my camera to capture a photo.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yosemite Photos

We spent the weekend at beautiful Yosemite! Cold, but fun.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


The Blue Angels were practicing over SF today in preparation for their big show this weekend. It was LOUD. I went home with the first migraine-style headache I've ever had. Ouch.

In other news, he who-must-not-be-named seems to be running for something, and passing out campaign bumper stickers.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Boyfriend & Puppies

We went to the beach this weekend! I love the different personalities of these puppies. Gypsy is a wild woman, who adores having balls thrown so she can chew on them (not fetch...just chew). (She is waiting for me to throw the ball, which is just off-screen.)

Kulshin follows his sister everywhere, but when he gets to the ball first, he loves to actually fetch it. He's bringing it to me here, all covered in sand.

And here's a photo of the tall cute one, too.

Restaurant View

I forgot to post this on Thursday. This is inside "Greens," the restaurant in the next building over from my internship in SF. Not a bad view!

Friday, September 28, 2007


I met my infamous uncle yesterday evening. We went to Japantown in SF and had mediocre Japanese food (don't EVER order the curry soba...big mistake) (but the pickled veggies were good).

It was a so-so evening. Kind of weird and awkward. But I'm glad I finally met him.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I went to an enormous used book sale today around the corner from my internship at Fort Mason Center. I would have loved to have spent hours and hundreds of dollars here, but I limited myself to one hour of browsing and six books. Of course, these will be saved until after law school, when I can read books for fun again!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I'm meeting an uncle of mine that I've never met in SF tomorrow for dinner! I'll try to remember to take my camera and get a group picture to post here. I'm nervous... but it will be interesting, regardless of what happens.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Puppy #2

This is Kulshin, the cutest puppy ever. Awwww. He's about 5 months old here.

Fort Mason Center

This is the view from my new internship in SF. Pretty, huh? I love to sit here and eat lunch.


It's been a month and a half since I got back from Thailand, and I've decided to start blogging again! Welcome to my new blog.

Cher and Nicolas Cage inspired the title. Aren't I clever? Yep, pretty clever.
