Sunday, February 24, 2008

Internship 2: Oakland

A Friday in the life of Sophie:

Riding BART from Fremont to Oakland.

The city center at my exit.

My favorite building in Oakland.

Inside the Rotunda, where the office is located.

The Rotunda ceiling.

Internship 1: San Francisco

A Monday/Wednesday in the life of Sophie:

The view down Castro street as I walk from my car to the office.

My cubicle (those are not my twizzlers).

The view out to the Bay around 6 pm as I leave for the day.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

3 Months in 3 Pages or Less

It's been three long months since I last posted, and I feel like a very bad, very guilty blogger law student. But I promise to begin posting anew, especially photos!

Here's a rundown of the last 3 months:

NOVEMBER: Caught up on reading, found out I passed the MPRE (yay!), began studying for finals.

DECEMBER: Boyfriend sick (but okay now), took finals, home to Kentucky for the break, illness and doctor visits, presents!

JANUARY: Friend has baby!, back to California, start school, start two internships, get part-time job (working from home), freak out about Bar Application, finally turn in Bar Application, read for class when time allows.

FEBRUARY: Start to worry about finding a job. Consider what life will be like when I turn 25!