Monday, October 26, 2009

Photos: Week 15

Lummi Pop. The "official" count of Lummi Islanders.

Reflection Point. The north-eastern shore past the ferry dock.

Two-Church Island. Despite our size, the island has two churches--one meets at the church and the other at the community hall.

Gray Into Nothingness. I love how the fog over the bay makes the sky and water blend into the same color.

The Return of the Chief. The ferry is back, wearing its spiffy new paint job.

Fall Blend. Leaves from below.

Island Mural. I cheated a little this week and included a total of 8 photos, because these last two are part of the same overgrown mural painted on the side of the store. The store is pictured above and reefnetters and fish below.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Photos: Week 14

Buoyant Cormorant. This guy sat on our buoy for at least 20 minutes flapping his wings to dry them and gazing out over the water.

Cider Press. Chandler and I volunteered to help the island schoolchildren press apples on their annual cider-making day--fun and tastes were had by all!

Wildflowers. A vase of flowers at a neighbor's home during their weekly open-to-all Sunday brunch (the waffles were delicious).

Our Nearest Neighbor. Two of these fuzzy raccoons live under our porch and drive the dogs crazy.

Red and Green. Our brilliant red maple tree is the first sign of the seasons changing.

Driftwood. A collection of driftwood washed up on the shore of Legoe Bay on the West side of the island.

Winter Is Upon Us. The grey, foggy, rainy view East this morning around 10:30.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Photos: Week 13

Golden Sunrise. We left the island on the 7:20 AM ferry... it was worth getting up early for this gorgeous photo!

Alaska This Way. It still amuses me to see street signs all over Washington for ferries!

Westward Ho. Looking over white blossoms at foggy islands.

Bay Path. Walking down Legoe Bay Road.

Girly Sunset. The exact colors of my dream bedroom when I was little!

Current Events. This sign outside the store keeps drivers apprised of island happenings... and the salmon was delicious!

Island Post. The adorable Lummi post office.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Photos: Week 12

Cuddle? Kulshan sleepily asking to get onto the living room couch with me.

Squiggle of Blue. The surprisingly attractive island slough.

Purple Moonrise. The brilliant full moon came out long before the sun finished setting.

Fall Colors. A pretty Lummi street corner.

The Sweetness of Doing Nothing. The mural outside of the island coffee shop, the Taproot Cafe.

Fairy Ring. After a rainy night, we woke up to mushrooms everywhere.

Cormorant Keeping Watch. Birds love to perch here and supervise the ferry.