Monday, December 28, 2009

Photos: Week 24

First Snow. Kulshan decides whether or not to get his paws wet.

Books Galore. I love how the books at this used bookstore in town are piled enticingly all over the floor.

Christmas Greenery. Chandler and I put up the tree, even though we agreed on just stockings, no presents this year.

Mountain Belt. Clouds part to perfectly reveal the mountains.

His and Hers. Sheep grazing, back to back.

Twig Chill. A twig dangling over the creek is completely iced over from spray.

Island Gap. After rough waves, this stretch of fence disappeared...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Photos: Week 23

Rainbow at Sunset. The first square rainbow I've ever seen, plus lengthened reflection.

Waiting for Summer. A dinghy parked with a view of the snowy mountains.

Dressed for Christmas. The island church is small and simple--it reminds me of the Shakers. My boyfriend's grandmother made all the tapestries hanging in the church, including these two.

Two By Two. These perches are never empty, and their occupants always seem to face in opposite directions...

Island Children are Smarter. The homemade response to the poorly worded "Slow Children at Play" signs everywhere.

Island Winter Summed Up. This sign has been here for weeks--but at least the ferry is running!

Overlook. The site of the old island ferry dock.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Photos: Week 22

Water Views. One of two tiny, weathered, old-as-the-hills cabins near the ferry dock.

Home. The ferry waiting for its passengers.

Welcome Committee. Seagulls hanging out near the mainland.

Lifesaver. It's reassuring to see these on the ferry in rough weather, as thoughts turn to Titanic-style scenarios.

Uncommon Signage. A sign spotted on the reservation.

Purple and Gold. Sunset over the mainland fuel dock (next to the ferry dock).

Waiting. Waiting for the ferry to take us back to the island.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Photos: Week 21

Mukilteo Ferry. As we ate lunch at Ivar's Seafood, we watched the ferry going back and forth between the mainland and Whidbey Island.

Pink Perfection. Sunset over the bay, as rain clouds roll in.

Green Giant. My favorite moss-covered rock in our backyard.

Propane Truck. A lot of houses on the island use propane to heat their homes, or run their generators when the power goes out (which I've heard it frequently does here in winter!).

Stormy Beach. Between the strong wind and waves, the configuration of driftwood on our beaches changes frequently--here are two new additions.

The Answer to World Peace. After years of a no-furniture rule, the combination of cold weather and cuddly pooches has resulted in occasional visits on the couch.

Our Creek. Now that the drought is over and rain has been steadily pouring down for weeks, the creek that runs under our driveway and through the yard to the beach is back in full force!