Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Wonderful World of Chocolate

Purchased in Norway and London by my wonderful significant other for me:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 9

Alright folks, this is it: the last category/country of photographic candidates for display!  The only photos I haven't gone through yet are the ones I took way back in the non-digital days of yore.  To conclude this series: Switzerland, summer of 2006.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 8

Here are my favorite 10 Moroccan photos from the second half of our summer trip last year.  Yes, it seems like I have a thing for Moroccan doors!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 7

Here are the top 10 photos from the European half of our 2011 summer adventure.  What a fabulous trip that was!


Bilbao, Spain


Coimbra, Portugal


Porto, Portugal


Sintra, Portugal



Monday, September 24, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 6

Dear Readers,

I'm back home on the island after a whirlwind trip!  Last week, I sorted through my photos from my 2007 summer internship in Thailand.  I love the drama of the two rainbow photos, but the sweet orange flower photo could be very pretty on the wall somewhere....

Monday, September 10, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 5

I'm going out of town for the next couple of weeks, so this is a short one: the one photo from my trip to Israel in 2005 that I would contemplate framing!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 4

Or perhaps I should call this post "The Colors of Lummi."  These are my favorite sunset, sunrise, morning and evening sky photos.  Seeing these 10 photos as a group, it's hard to believe I witnessed each and every brilliant color and beautiful cloud formation!  Despite my love of the drama many of these photos depict, I've decided that the sweet second-to-last one is my favorite.  If we ever move off the island, I might enlarge this photo to cover an entire wall of our new home to help stave off homesickness....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 3

Below are my "random category" island photos that I am considering framing.  Okay, this time I might really have to print all eight.... This island is just too full of beautiful views!