Monday, December 7, 2009

Photos: Week 21

Mukilteo Ferry. As we ate lunch at Ivar's Seafood, we watched the ferry going back and forth between the mainland and Whidbey Island.

Pink Perfection. Sunset over the bay, as rain clouds roll in.

Green Giant. My favorite moss-covered rock in our backyard.

Propane Truck. A lot of houses on the island use propane to heat their homes, or run their generators when the power goes out (which I've heard it frequently does here in winter!).

Stormy Beach. Between the strong wind and waves, the configuration of driftwood on our beaches changes frequently--here are two new additions.

The Answer to World Peace. After years of a no-furniture rule, the combination of cold weather and cuddly pooches has resulted in occasional visits on the couch.

Our Creek. Now that the drought is over and rain has been steadily pouring down for weeks, the creek that runs under our driveway and through the yard to the beach is back in full force!


April McCoy said...

So in that last picture is that a "crick" or a "creek?"

LQTM! I'm so laughing quietly to myself!


Lloyd Davies said...

I love the pink sunset picture, Sophie. The clouds coming in look so dramatic! And I remember that mossy rock. And the dog...

Sophia said...

Yes, hard to forget that dog! He remembers you and your cereal bribes as you cautiously came downstairs fondly. :-)