Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Photos: Week 39

The Tribune Building. The view from our Oakland, CA hotel, on a beautiful sunny California day.

Jack London Square. The water.

Chinatown. Asian architecture in Oakland.

Jack London's Cabin. It's quite odd to see this minuscule cabin from Alaska sitting in the hot sand between towering palm trees...

Berkeley Hostel. This funky, cool old building is located conveniently next to campus, but has mattresses harder than the floor and is smack dab in the middle of rowdy fraternity row!

My New Favorite Poster. The best porch decor ever, at the hostel.

Hangar 1. We finally went to see the Moffett Field Museum in Silicon Valley, and I was able to squeeze this small section of Hangar 1 into my viewfinder!


April McCoy said...

Wow, that's a big hanger! Lol!

Miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the poser in the poster (expose yourself to art) went on to become Mayor of Portland, Oregon? His name is Bud Clark.

Sophia said...

No, I didn't know that! Another reason for liking the Pacific Northwest. I'm off to look up Bud Clark on Wikipedia.