Monday, June 21, 2010

Photos: Week 48

We're Not in Washington Anymore. Actually, we were just in California for a week, where I took this cloudy photo of Stanford's campus.

Portugese Water Dog. This cutie belongs to the owner of the house we rented in CA.

Whatchoo Looking' At? Jays built a nest right outside the window of our rented house, so I was able to capture this priceless expression without disturbing the babies!

Delicious Attorneys at Law! The perfect celebratory cake now that the 4 friends are all official!

Hunny. Among her other talents, our rented house owner has her own bees, and we got to enjoy all the honey we could eat.

Unexpected Rose. Amidst a huge thicket of vines and purple flowers, I discovered this delicate creature.

Our CA Patio. California weather does have its advantages....

Bee Hotel! This made me wish for an x-ray machine to see what they're all up to inside.

Going Home. Goodbye dry hills of California, hello wet mountains of Washington!


April McCoy said...

I love your angle of the cake! You are such an artist!

Did you get to dogsit that dog, while you were here? I didn't even know there was a dog there. And, what an awesome outdoor setup that lady had!

Miss you tons! I have so many cute new pics of Gavin, but I haven't had time to post!!!!


Sophia said...

Thank you! I still think longingly about the deliciousness of that cake...

No, we didn't dog-sit--the day I arrived both the owner and dog left to drive to New Mexico for the summer.

Don't worry, I have the photo of you 3 at Disney on our fridge, so I can just look at Gavin's cuteness there if I get desperate. ;-)

Love ya!

Libby Davies said...

What a brilliant cake! Who made it? What flavor inside (chocolate I assume)?

Sophia said...

April and Sonya sweetly bought it from a bakery as a surprise. Yep, chocolate cake, with chocolate icing that tasted deliciously homemade!