Monday, September 3, 2012

Best of Photos: Part 4

Or perhaps I should call this post "The Colors of Lummi."  These are my favorite sunset, sunrise, morning and evening sky photos.  Seeing these 10 photos as a group, it's hard to believe I witnessed each and every brilliant color and beautiful cloud formation!  Despite my love of the drama many of these photos depict, I've decided that the sweet second-to-last one is my favorite.  If we ever move off the island, I might enlarge this photo to cover an entire wall of our new home to help stave off homesickness....


Aaron Davies said...

I love the dramatic ones—5 looks like the Aurora came down from Alaska for a visit; 8 looks like a nuke just went off!

Sophia said...

Cool, glad you like them. :) I read your comment to Chandler, and he totally agreed with the nuke description, which I hadn't thought of before!