Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Career Update

I'm taking the Foreign Service exam tomorrow! So from 9 am to noon, I will once again be sitting in a class room taking a test. I thought my test-taking days were over after graduation, but I should have known better. Scantrons and earplugs will likely haunt me for the rest of my life.

My opinions about this whole Foreign Service thing change daily. So I have started a pro/con list:


-Live overseas/in D.C.
-Travel opportunities
-Interesting international career
-Loan repayment
-20 year retirement
-Government benefits/free housing
-Lots of vacation time to visit the US


-Live far away from family/friends
-Miss out on being a "lawyer"
-Accept a lower salary than being a lawyer
-Might have to learn a foreign language (could also be a pro)
-Might have to live somewhere boring/dangerous
-Might live somewhere with bad weather/accommodations

That's it so far. Let me know if you have anything to add!


Digger said...

Good luck with the exam and joining the Foreign Service. I have a fairly substantial list of FS blogs on my blog, and it might give you some more pros and cons to life in the service. For the record, I recommend it.

Sophia said...

Thanks for the encouragement and the resources!