Friday, May 8, 2009


After spending hours listening to my boyfriend regale me on tales of Washington, I am finally here, in the land of fresh seafood, evergreens, rain, and coffee!

We left Saturday evening, with the new truck (official name: The Power Waggin', courtesy of you-know-who-you-are!), two road-trip obsessed pooches (who rode in the back of the truck, where we couldn't hear their excited whimpering), and snacks for a week in tow. We stopped for a few hours of sleep halfway through Oregon, then woke up early Sunday and managed to arrive in Bellingham Sunday evening in time for dinner. It's a long, long trip (around 16 hours), but I didn't have to drive at all (thanks, driver). I didn't even have to read a map, since the new truck has built-in GPS! So my only job was to help pass the time, which is something I did quite well--when I wasn't napping on my cozy, heated seat.

I'm really not a big car person, but did I mention I love this new truck?!

My funny road-trip story: in Oregon, we stopped at midnight at Denny's for some coffee and stumbled upon an after-prom gathering. Wow, 17 and 18 year-olds look way younger than I remembered! Also, prom dresses have gotten much skimpier than when I was a junior or senior in high school (all of 8 years ago). After seeing a dress slit down the FRONT past a girl's belly button, I rolled my eyes and said, "I'd never let my daughter wear something like that." My significant other countered with, "My daughter would never want to wear something like that!" Man, I hope so.

The first order of business on Monday morning was to buy proper gear for the weather. I am now the proud owner of a purple raincoat and red waterproof sneakers (the only color they had was red, but purple and red go together better than I thought). So far, I have spent most of my time exploring the beautiful outdoors. Although the weather is definitely wet, there have been two entire days of sunshine (in the 60s), and two days of on-and-off drizzle, with cloudy skies (in the 50s). I have to say, so far I'm a fan. Everything is cool, green, and smells like flowers and rain. I do NOT miss the blindingly bright sun or 80 degree weather of the Bay Area yet!

Today or tomorrow, we move over to the Island for a few days (we haven't yet decided when we're heading back to California). Next post: photos!

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