Monday, July 19, 2010

Photos: Week 52

Shortcake, Please. Fresh strawberries for sale on the reservation at the cutest shack ever.

Silhouettes. On the ferry at dusk.

Pot of Gold. A surprise in our front yard after the rain.

I Want One. Island neighbors had a litter of 8 adorable golden puppies! Here a few hang out on a board covering a hole the mischievous pooches dug in their yard.

No Sand Here. The sculpted, rocky beach on the west side of the island.

Here's Lookin' at You. A glorious poppy opens wide in search of the sun.

Cherry, Cheri? We canned cherries from Eastern Washington! This one waits on the counter to be dropped in a jar.


aprildmccoy said...

Mon Cheri, J'adore le puppies!!!!

Sophia said...

Chandler and I were sooo tempted to get a 3rd pooch! But we didn't... how strong are we? :-) MISS YOU!