Monday, August 9, 2010

Photos: Week 55

Very Fresh Seafood. We bought some prawns a couple weeks ago for dinner.

Subtle Sun. A salmon-colored glow over Portage Island in the evening.

Noble Barn. The barn behind the library containing the used-book sale books. I like to think this is where B&N got its name!

Water, Trees, Fog, Rock. Some of the basics rolled into one scene, looking wild.

Our Otter Family! See the 3 cuties swimming together in the center of the photo? We think these are babies, because we've seen them together with 2 larger otters.

Best Boyfriend Ever. This was just the chocolate part of my presents from Scandinavia! The red, black, and white bar is licorice filled chocolate... and it's actually delicious.

Geronimo! On a warm day, a brave kid jumps off the top of the mainland ferry dock into the water (while the ferry was on the island side).


aprildmccoy said...

Girlfriend! I miss you!!! Like crazy over here!

What a good boyfriend you have - buying you all those chocolates! That diver boy is crazy in that picture. Did he survive? Cause that looked seriously crazy. lol.

Love ya,

Sophia said...

Yep, the diver survived! On sunny days, kids love to hang out in this area and they are fearless. I'd be terrified... I haven't been on a high diving board since I was around 10!

Miss you back!!!!!

Heather said...

Love, love, LOVE all your photos, Sophie! I'm amazed that you find so much cool stuff to photograph on your tiny island. I missed a few weeks but I'm now caught up...are there any pooches left?? I want one of those puppies!!
