Monday, August 2, 2010

Photos: Week 54

Too Early. When the pooches get me up before 6 AM to go out, I often see this early morning sunlight reflecting blindingly on the water (I had to frame the sun behind the branch so I could see to take the photo!).

Pink Bow. Another huge rainbow, this time against a pink sunset sky!

Ivy Man. A tiny foot-high garden ornament on the island that I always think looks quite soulful.

Think Outside the Box. I always like photos of directional signs that aren't being followed.

Purple Pause. As I was holding my camera to photograph the ferry dock, the sky and land unexpectedly turned purple. I took a photo--10 seconds later, all traces of purple were gone.

Tiny Books. The island library, in all its cuteness.

Trespassers! Kayakers in front of our house enjoying the perfect weather.

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