Monday, May 10, 2010

Photos: Week 42

Into the Wild. Trees, blackberry bushes, and daffodils decorate a pasture down the road.

Through the Looking Glass. The ferry cabin reflected in the "objects may be larger than they appear" portion of our truck's side mirror.

Chimney Friend. This looks like an owl... but it's actually a plastic decoy meant to scare away woodpeckers!

Bookstore Quote. I have a sudden urge to ship all my childhood books to the West coast.

New Retro. Outside of airports, these are the first payphones I've seen in a long time, so I thought it was worth documenting the occasion.

Easter Blue. I love the pale blue hint of color on these wooden pilings.

Storm Breaking. Last week strong winds broke branches off trees all over the island, including this tenacious one, which is still holding on.

1 comment:

April McCoy said...

Sophia! You are well enough to post I see! Hooray!

Hope you're having fun in Kentucky! And definitely ship your childhood books out west. Maybe we can start an Anne of Green Gables online book club! Love the pay-phones and the looking glass pic!
