Monday, May 24, 2010

Photos: Week 44

Smooth as Silk. The view from our porch on a particularly calm day.

Neighborhood Watch. Our local bald eagle perched on a branch right above our driveway, allowing me to get this close!

Purple Clouds. Sunset over our island from the mainland.

"Cornflower" or "Bachelor's Button." An exotic purple pinwheel of a flower.

Pretty in Pink. Found in our yard--I love the long stem and sweet yellow button center!

The Best Get Well Gift Ever. A delicious (and photogenic) present from my best friends!

Gold Horizon. I love these pacific northwest sunsets.


April McCoy said...

Those chocolates look delicious counselor!

Ack!!!! You're an attorney! That is sooooo cool!


Sophia said...

Right back at you, April, Esquire! :-) XOXO